COVID-19 Resource Hub
Contact us
While social distancing guidelines are in place, Scripps Corporate Relations and Innovation resources will be virtual, please contact us to learn more:

Gwen Nero, Director
Scripps Corporate Alliance
Corporate Affiliates, Business Development,
Industry Outreach, & Innovation
Phone: 858-822-4121

Vanessa Scott, Analyst
Scripps Corporate Alliance
Industry Relations & Innovation
Phone: 858-246-5336
Scripps Corporate Alliance Virtual Resources
Connect with Scripps scientists and grow relationships with new talent virtually. Scripps Corporate Alliance is offering the Scripps Technical Forum and Student Virtual Career Info Sessions via webinar.
Scripps Technical Forum
Scripps Technical Forums (STF) are a fantastic opportunity for companies to present to students, engineers, technical staff, and scientists on new technologies and capabilities. These will be hosted monthly, virtually on-going, with priority given to our corporate members and we are now recruiting for speakers in early 2021.
Scheduling is flexible; please provide 2-3 weeks lead time in advance of your preferred presentation date. To view examples of past talks visit
Student Virtual Career Info Sessions
Hiring or looking to grow relationships with new talent? Consider hosting a 1-hour virtual panel, info session, or moderated discussion with the scientists and staff at your company. Scripps students are interested to learn more about career options in industry upon graduation.
Scripps educates nearly 2,000 UC San Diego students each quarter and offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in a variety of disciplines spanning marine biology, geosciences, geophysics, physical oceanography, and climate sciences, among others.
Funding & Business Resources
Please find here external resources that have been shared with our office relevant for startups, industry, and academic-industry collaborations. This is not an exhaustive list; please contact us with interest in posting additional opportunities.
View Upcoming Events hosted by TMA BlueTech
- July 17: NOAA SBIR Program
- August 21: Shorebreak/Katuvi
- November 16-20: BlueTech Week
View Upcoming Events Hosted or Affiliated with CleanTech San Diego
View Upcoming Events hosted by NDIA San Diego
- NIWC PAC Executive Forum
- Small Business Forum (Small Business Teaming, CYBER Certification Resources Available For Small Businesses, Introduction to NAVWAR (Acquisition)
- Navy Gold Coast
Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Keyport Division Virtual Industry Day Chat Sessions
These sessions will provide industry the opportunity to learn more about NUWC Keyport, their mission, and areas where industry can contribute. Keyport and NSLC Mechanicsburg Managers will provide an overview of the organization and long term procurement projections along with Acquisition strategies. All sessions will begin at 1100 and will end at 1200. The schedule is as follows:
- May 20 – Keyport Overview and NSLC Overview
- May 27 – Corporate Operations Department (Code 10) Overview
- June 3 – Test and Evaluation Department (Code 20) Overview
- June 10 – Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Operations Department (Code 30) Overview
- June 17 – In-Service Engineering Department (Code 40) Overview
- June 24 – Acquisition Overview and How to Do Business with NUWC Keyport
COVID-19 Resources
UC San Diego Office of Innovation & Commercialization: COVID-19 resources for startups
Navy Informal Query for At-risk Small Companies
The Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition has asked us informally to identify small companies that are building technology supporting key Navy interest areas and are at high risk due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. If you are such a company, or you know of such companies, contact:
Scott Tait – stait (at)
Scripps Corporate Alliance Members with Web Resources & COVID-19 Updates
- Blue Robotics Guides
- EdgeTech Resource Center
- Esri COVID-19 Maps and Resources
- ONSET Resources
- Konsgberg Online Services
- National Instruments & COVID-19
- RBR Support
- Riegl Webinars
- RJE International Downloads
- Sonardyne Training
- Teledyne Marine Web Resources
- XYLEM Global coronavirus Actions
State of CA COVID-19 Medical Supply Contributions
The state of California is looking for certified Small Businesses (SB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) that can supply emergency goods and services. If you are a SB/DVBEs that can help respond to this emergency, please fill out the form at
For questions and/or more information contact:
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Accelerator OTA Program
DLA is now accepting Other Transaction Authority white papers on the following problem statements. These problem statements support COVID-19:
1. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Re-Use and Decontamination
2. Prototype PPE: N95 Equivalent Masks
NOTE: DLA will be reviewing white papers and taking action as they are received due to the critical need for this equipment
The white paper submission period closes May 4, 2020 at 1:00 EDT.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is supporting $1.78 billion in research grants, contracts, and intramural projects to combat COVID-19, with funding opportunities focused on immune response, viral infection and transmission, and diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine development.
The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is collaborating with industry on a comprehensive portfolio of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. Investments of $1.69 billion are supporting clinical trials, advanced development of therapeutics, rapid vaccine development and diagnostics as well as expansion of US-based production of medical countermeasures. Seven BARDA supported diagnostics quickly received Emergency Use Authorization.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) turbo-charged its Rapid Response Research (RAPID) funding mechanism, which allows the agency to fast-track grants up to $200,000 for urgent COVID-19 research proposals. In recent weeks, NSF has granted 58 awards for RAPID research funding. NSF is also offering funding opportunities for small businesses that are developing new technologies, products, and services with potential to assist in coronavirus response.
The Department of Defense’s Basic Research Office announced the Newton Award for Transformative Ideas During the COVID-19 Pandemic, awarding up to $100,000 for innovative and outside-the-box proposals in a variety of fields during a time when researchers cannot work from their labs.
The Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has opened a funding opportunity through its Manufacturing USA Institutes for rapid, high-impact manufacturing projects that support the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additional Funding Opportunities
Dept of Energy Water Power Technologies Office
The funding opportunity announcement (FOA) entitled, “Marine Energy Foundational Research and Testing Infrastructure,” presents an opportunity to continue building marine energy research capabilities at U.S. non-federal research institutions and leverage their expertise to help the developing marine energy industry tackle complex scientific and technical problems. The FOA’s primary goal is to increase the likelihood of commercial adoption of marine energy technologies, while developing intellectual capital for U.S. technology leadership in ocean sciences and marine energy. DOE encourages non-federal research institutions not previously funded for marine energy R&D to apply.
This FOA covers four main topic areas:
- Topic Area 1 – Foundational R&D: DOE will fund foundational research with broad relevance across the marine energy industry.
- Topic Area 2 – Atlantic Marine Energy Center: DOE will support the creation of a new National Marine Renewable Energy Center in the Atlantic region.
- Topic Area 3 – Foundational Research Network Facilitator: DOE will solicit a Network Facilitator to help maximize the impact of non-federal research institutions’ research by coordinating and widely disseminating results among relevant stakeholders.
- Topic Area 4 – Current Energy Technology Testing Infrastructure: DOE is addressing a marine testing capability gap by funding an open water, non-grid connected current energy converter (CEC) mobile test vessel that can accommodate CECs with up to 8-meter-diameter rotors for testing turbines under different flow conditions in a wide range of test conditions.
The Department of the Navy (DON) is using the speed and agility of the SBIR Program to sustain and leverage the research and development industrial base with the execution of a FY20.4 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA).
The BAA seeks solutions that meet Naval needs while also providing support to national challenges.
Innovative start-ups and small businesses proposing scalable high-impact technologies that can be leveraged by DON, and address commercial market needs, are strongly encouraged to apply.
DON FY20.4 BAA schedule:
- Pre-release: April 13, 2020
- Open: April 27, 2020
- Close: May 28, 2020, 12:00 noon EDT
Important Notice: The Pre-release period – the availability of direct communication between firms and topic technical points of contact – lasts for two weeks. Starting April 27, all technical questions will be posted publicly. For complete instructions, see the BAA, which will be posted on the Navy SBIR site ( on April 13.
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI)
The Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Program within the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) offers researchers from all disciplines of science and engineering funded by NSF the opportunity to perform translational research and technology development, catalyze partnerships and accelerate the transition of discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace for societal benefit.
PFI has five goals: (1) supporting NSF-sponsored research and technologies that have the potential for accelerated commercialization; (2) supporting prior or current NSF-sponsored investigators in undertaking proof-of-concept work, including the development of technology prototypes that are derived from NSF-sponsored research and have potential market value; (3) promoting sustainable partnerships between NSF-funded institutions, industry, and other organizations within academia and the private sector with the purpose of accelerating the transfer of technology; (4) developing multi-disciplinary innovation ecosystems; (5) providing professional development, mentoring, and advice in entrepreneurship and business development to innovators. In addition, PFI supports proof-of-concept work with innovations that, because of the early stage of development, are not eligible to participate in a Small Business Innovation Research Program. Finally, PFI seeks to enhance partnerships between academia and industry in the United States, and expand the participation of women and individuals from underrepresented groups in innovation, technology translation, and entrepreneurship.
This solicitation offers two broad tracks for proposals:
The Technology Translation (PFI-TT) track offers an NSF-funded researcher the opportunity to translate her or his prior NSF-funded research results in any field of science or engineering into technological innovations with promising commercial potential and societal impact. PFI-TT supports commercial potential demonstration projects for academic research outputs in any NSF-funded science and engineering discipline. This demonstration is achieved through proof-of-concept, prototyping, technology development and/or scale-up work. Concurrently, students and postdoctoral researchers who participate in PFI-TT projects receive education and leadership training in innovation and entrepreneurship. Successful PFI-TT projects generate technology-driven commercialization outcomes that address societal needs. There is no limit for applications in this track.
The Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track seeks to achieve the same goals as the PFI-TT track by supporting instead complex, multi-faceted technology development projects that are typically beyond the scope of a single researcher or institution and require a multi-organizational, interdisciplinary, synergistic collaboration. A PFI-RP project requires the creation of partnerships between academic researchers and third-party organizations such as industry, non-academic research organizations, federal laboratories, public or non-profit technology transfer organizations or other universities. Such partnerships are needed to conduct applied research on a stand-alone, larger project towards commercialization and societal impact. In the absence of such synergistic partnership the project’s likelihood for success would be minimal.
The intended outcomes of both tracks are: a) the commercialization of new intellectual property derived from NSF-funded research outputs; b) the creation of new or broader collaborations with industry; c) the licensing of NSF-funded research outputs to third party corporations or to start-up companies funded by a PFI team; and d) the training of future innovation leaders.
2020 Merck Group Research Grants
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany is all about science and technology. In 2020, we offer a series of research grants to stimulate innovative research in challenging areas of future importance. We intend to provide research grants in several topic areas of up to 500,000€ per year for up to 3 years with the option of extension or expansion.
- Drug Discovery: Next game-changing technology or molecule to cure cancer or autoimmune disease – What is the next game-changing molecule or technology to help cure cancer or autoimmune disease? We are offering research grants for proposals that have the potential to advance the field of drug discovery within Oncology and Autoimmune Diseases. Proposals will be considered a) that help to identify and characterize the next game-changing molecule or technology to help cure cancer or autoimmune disease. b) innovative research on molecular targets or pathophysiological pathways with untapped potential to be the next big therapeutic breakthrough. c) new breakthrough enabling technologies for drug discovery. d) methods that improve translation from and predictivity of preclinical models to the clinical situation. Up to 500,000€ for 3 years.
- Bioreactor Design for Cultured Meat: Next-generation scalable bioreactors for industrial-scale meat or seafood production – The industry relies heavily on technologies that have been developed for the biopharma industry. However, the scale and cost requirements for the two industries are vastly different. Proposals will be considered that help to develop the next generation, scalable bioreactors that can support industrial scale meat and seafood manufacturing. Reimagine existing technologies to fit the performance efficiency, cost and sustainability requirements. Innovate on aspects of the system from fabrication of scaffolds to operation strategy and perfusion dynamics, automation intelligence and harvesting. Up to 250,000€ for 3 years.
- Next-Generation Machine Learning: A new generation of algorithms inspired by neurosciences and advances in brain research to overcome current limitations in AI – Artificial neural networks are inspired by biological brains, but their conceptual foundations are quite old: they were modeled after the brain’s anatomy in the 1950s and 1960s – according to the understanding at that time. Fundamental limitations remain, in particular, the need for large amounts of training data and the difficulties in generalizing and extrapolating between domains. A deeper mathematical understanding of cognitive processes like auditory or visual perception may trigger progress both in neuroscience and in artificial intelligence. Project proposals will be considered that seek to overcome current limitations in AI by a new generation of algorithms, inspired by today’s neurosciences and by advances in brain research. Up to 250,000€ for 3 years.
- Pandemic preparedness/fighting emerging new viral infectious disease: For pre-outbreak technological solutions or for a response during outbreaks that could help to fight emerging viral infections – The threat from newly emerging viral infections is one of the top global challenges for humanity. The recent COVID-19 pandemic shows that pandemic preparedness and having the right products and technology to fight infectious diseases with epidemic and pandemic potential is of utmost importance. It is required to act quickly to limit further substantial damages to society, economy and ecology. Project proposals will be considered that leverage modern technologies to create new breakthrough solutions to be more prepared for pandemic outbreaks or work towards existing solutions that could help to fight emerging viral infections. Up to 250,000€ for 3 years.
Application deadline: Aug 31, 2020 More information: